ENTRE Event Review: Impact

I think I finally have distilled what I experienced at Impact into something that I can share with anyone in a simple way without taking from those who have not gone. Everyone’s experience with Impact is so different because we’re all so unique and have vastly different life experiences. We all have different reasons for going. As such, you’re going to get different stories from everyone you talk to that has been to Impact.
This is my Impact experience:
Simple phrases to describe my experience:
Paradigm Shift; Nirvana; Enlightenment; Inner-Peace.
When I left Impact, nothing sounded the same to me. For once in my life, I could hear the world without the noise in my mind. The “Loud Vacuum” that’s been on 24/7 in my mind is finally gone. Nothing looks the same to me. For once in my life, I rarely judge people for their actions and behavior. I see the beauty in people that I was blind to for so long. My emotional reaction to the world is completely different. For once in my life, I’m not constantly angry at the world over false narratives I’ve created in my own mind and simmering in a pool of red hot resentment. My perception of reality completely changed.
Post-Military PTSD? Gone.
Recurring traumatic nightmares? Gone.
Restless sleep? Gone.
Recurring self-punishment for decisions I regret? Gone.
Sudden angry outbursts during driving? Gone.
Hatred for myself? Gone.
These are just a few things that came out of Impact. There’s a bit more, but these are some of the highlights I wanted to share.
What about Post-Impact breakthroughs?
Yes. I’ve had my own breakthroughs.
I’ve got to the point that I can even blow my own mind. I’ve been needing to share this with the Impact Community, but I’ve been wrapping my head around the last breakthrough that really rocked my world recently. I wouldn’t have gotten to that point without going to Impact. Here are a few examples:
Unnecessary self-inflicted harm through unhealthy exercise routines? Gone.
Unnecessary self-inflicted harm through gluttony? Gone.
Irrational fear that comes with childhood abuse before age 5? Gone! 
My entire life has changed. I have been working on so many of these things for years with therapy, and hardly got anywhere. Impact really made all of my prior therapy look like a joke, and everything I learned from Impact is allowing me to take care of myself.
I believe that everyone would greatly benefit from attending Impact. The experience itself is worth so much more than what it costs because it’s hard to put a price tag on changing someone’s life forever. The sooner you help yourself, the sooner you are able to make a bigger Impact on the world. (No pun intended)
If you have any desire to go to Impact, you won’t regret committing to go. I was scared yet determined when I signed up because I knew that the cost of me not going was way more than going. Given my mental state, especially after Insight game, I really knew that I was hurting myself by NOT going. I was tired of my own internal suffering, and I felt that Impact would help me. How could I help alleviate unnecessary suffering in the world if I was suffering so much by myself?
If your mind was blown at Insight, Impact is easily 10x that experience. For me, it was at least 100x the experience of Insight. If you are going to Impact, be sure to go in 100%. Attending Impact isn’t just a win for yourself, but it is also a win for everyone else. I’m saying this because I had no idea how much it has impacted everyone else in my life when I got back.
Make the commitment ASAP if you have any desire to go to Impact, and you will be amazed how the universe will move to make it happen for you. I’m telling you this because I truly believe from the bottom of my heart that Impact can completely change your life forever. ❤