Thought of the Morning – June 1, 2022


The silence and the darkness of the early morning overwhelm my senses. The soft snore of my family gently captures my attention as I get ready to leave the house to work. This morning I focused on learning and fueling my body with the nutrients necessary to start the morning off right. My body’s energy waivers with high and low frequencies as I think about the future and going to the office. A year has passed since I took the red pill making a conscious choice to change my world so  I can change the world. Life is challenging, but it’s well worth it. I’m grateful for everything I have and the opportunities I get to make a difference in my community.

I’m one of the silent forces responsible for keeping the lights on in the western United States. My work impacts millions of people in ways that are hard to measure. I bring a lot of value to my employer. I made a decision that I am not doing enough to make an impact on the world. I feel like I put myself into a cage and that my world is much smaller than it could be. There are so many ideas I have on how I would approach some problems in the world, and they are stuck in my mind. It’s really time to move forward and actually serve people in a way that has a long-lasting impact.

I’ve always been interested in the bigger picture and it’s hard for me to be the cog in a big system. I have my place, but I can get this system to function a whole lot better being outside of the machine looking for ways to improve rather than keeping it running. A year later I’m still at it, and I have not given up on the pursuit. I gave up my hiding place and stopped living in a world of fear to serve fearful people. Live now. I made the mistake of serving a scarcity mindset driven by fear. I live now to embody an abundant mindset driven by hope.

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